The Anachronist

… and often literally as well as figuratively.

"UNIT really could use Dark Wesley."

"… I suppose competent soldiering isn't exactly a Doctor Who tradition."

My teddy bear's name was Tuna Bowl. There's no WAY my mother was forgetting that.

Oh, there's a NEW Mexico now?

"What we were trying to do here was show how modern American culture (for much of the world is now 'American' at this point, heavily acculturated by the relentless capitalist juggernaut) constantly recycles its own detritus, consuming what it has already produced and generating nothing new. Despite the attempts to

Are you in Atlanta? I've been desperate to connect with area AV Clubbers.

Hey! Mimme vose mack!

Naw - we went to see Rasputina at the Earl in East Atlanta and just got home.

Wow, I'm never up this soon after Savage Love posts! I've never commented so early before! I can…


She actually said "OK" at one point, which grated… but I rationalized that as the TARDIS translating 17th Century slang. :)

She's a "Who" fan too - that's how we met. THE LEGENDS WERE TRUE.

There has been a mix of good and bad all along.

Yeah - if not the first dick joke in "Who" history, this was almost certainly the most explicit.

I never knew I wanted this so badly.

(The Anachronist's Girlfriend enters and asks what I'm reading. I tell her.)

Not since "Black Orchid", friend…

Why do you hate diversity, molly man?

" Leandro is fine, as Tharil knock-offs go, but he isn’t as interesting as the Mire"