The Anachronist

I mean by the fans. I run into a lot of people (primarily new series fans, it must be noted) who very much want the whole affair to make sense.

I always maintain that the Master or whomever dying should be given no more weight than Wile E. Coyote falling off a cliff.

I was highly entertaining and enjoyable, but as some have indicated, we really need to see how they tie everything together to make any real judgment of quality.

Yep - same with the Master, Daleks… anybody and anything, really.

Did you catch the pizza on the TARDIS roof?


Mayonnaise?!? SANDWICH RUINER.

But WHO builds the bike? WHO?!?

Ship 'em to me!

"I am a student at a small Midwestern college. I never thought these letters were true, until one day…"

" I don't actually need to eat three dozen snickerdoodles, thank you very much…"

Daniel Quinn? I think he's overall a brilliant thinker, even if his writing itself sometimes leaves much to be desired. (Many of his other books are fictional allegory and suffer in terms of characterization and dialogue. I think he's better when he addresses the reader directly, as in "BC".)

Just childhood?

"That's good, that's good… now moo."

I was thinking the same thing, dear lady.

Just like sex!

"God, I fucking hate how everything 'gay' has to involve fucking alcohol, loud music, and bitchy people trying to simultaneously get laid and tell everyone that they’re too good to sleep with them."

What book was that?

Ugh - I CANNOT understand the cult surrounding manual transmissions. I have to concentrate enough while driving - I don't need to add shifting to the equation!