The Anachronist

Maybe YOU don't…

Honestly? I think some of this is just employees not drawing firm lines.

In my case, it's "I COULD pay attention to you, but this shiny thing is so much more interesting!"

I'm an anthropologist. To me societies only started getting shitty when we started locking up the food.

Yeah - I've often wondered what it is about sperm that they require a slightly cooler temperature.

It took me listening to "The Thrilling Adventure Hour" a while before I realized the humor was pretty much totally "clean". Oh, there were some winking references to sexuality and alcohol, but nothing more than you'd find in an old Looney Tune, and the plots never hung on them.

I love to cook precisely because I DON'T have to do it in a restaurant kitchen.

"Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?"

Yeah - I have to wonder why he shared it with her at all.

I'm one of those anthropologists who gets unreasonably enraged when someone calls apes monkeys. I KNOW HER PAIN.

I'm cool with Ewoks but NOT with misogyny.

Isn't Yom Kippur some territory in Middle Earth?

"Jesus fucking Christ? See it on PORNHUB!"

The Lord is everywhere, Jimbrayfan.

Right?!? Where the hell was I when this came out?


WOW. This sounds atrocious, as well as more bizarre than I would expect from one of the major comics companies in the 21st Century. But how have I never even HEARD of it?!?

This could really explain why you flounder in relationships.

Oh my Christ. You have no idea.

Zipcars have names?