The Anachronist

Blah blah blah Armin Tamzarian blah blah.

"Senor… I am not here to judge, but I cannot help noticing you are here with a woman who is not your wife. I ask you now, man to man, to politely take your leave of this lady, and return home to the one to whom you vowed your loyalty years ago.

It's brilliant, but I think I like/recall Barney's entry even better.

I'm boozing right now!

Lecter's house probably had some historical significance before he bought it. It's the kind of place he would own.

That's it!

… and that seal is now her husband.

I'll strip nude and show them my full back tattoo! (I did it myself!)

Enh, I think he just knocked her out, in that magical way people do in TV and movies.

Oh snap - that didn't even occur to me. And we HAVE been hypothesizing an escape for Lecter before the finale…

(Ratner bites Mann's butt.)

You're not in bed yet, right?

Denise is the new Barney. She knows what's up.

"Was it good for you?"

Hey - gotta bang something.

"Greetings, greetings fellow stargazers!"

I thought that was "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun"?

Dammit, why didn't I think of that?

"OK - the great red dragon rears up and threatens to scorch your 5th level half-orc mercenary with his fiery breath."