The Anachronist

Hitler? I don't even know 'er!

The Last King of Comedy of Scotland

For the first time in 50 years*, people will be pleased to see something with Jerry Lewis in it.

Hutu Farted?

Wet Hot Armenian Summer

Wouldn't it be funny if, like, 5 Nazis gassed him right now?

What do you think, Internet Comic?

Andy Kaufman must be involved somehow.

Endut! Hoch hech!

Waiting another 10 years is a hollow cost to pay for seeing this cinematic masterpiece

It certainly is ursine of ill portent.

No mention of "Benji, Zax, and the Alien Prince"?!? I watched it religiously for about 6 weeks.


Janice is hot.


OK, but that was just going into the pit to collect a part of the phone. It was just a normal part of the game mechanics, and OH MY GOD WHY AM I HAVING A DISCUSSION ABOUT THE "ET" ATARI GAME?!?

I didn't say it was a new experience for me, no.

Although I think Rerun was overused, I agree that he gave the strip a late-life shot in the arm. Returning to a youthful perspective (Linus was practically a baby when he first appeared!) seemed to give Schulz a chance to explore some material which seemed new at the time.

Dammit, Waffles - that's rough. Ignore the troll and try to be well. Best wishes to you, your grandmother, and the family.

Hope things get better, Waffles. You have our support. :)