The Anachronist

Now that I've heard of this person and this movie, I would spend the night in one of those boats just to say I did it.

I am shocked and dismayed I had never even heard of it.

YouTube star?

… in a Crow T Robot voice?

It's clear that as fans of unique cinema, this film excites ocelot.


Someone else may have mentioned it here, but that too is straight out of the books - Lecter presents Starling with the bones of her father as part of her "therapy".

… but does anyone on the show(s) call them "zombies"? 'Cause that's what 99.5% of people would likely call them were it to happen in real life.

Investigator: "It's a long, laborious process. We've had to wade through terabytes of bad, half-finished fan fiction. This guy actually attempted a crossover between 'Small Wonder' and 'Captain Power'."

The creators mustard been really disappointed.

The answer, of course, is 42.

Despite some of his personal strangeness (hey - I have plenty of my own going on) I have a lot of respect for him. He makes interesting (and occasionally bold) role choices, and consistently turns in at least solid performances.

Fortunately "Proud to be an American" has stood the test of time.

Some of us might even volunteer…

But Andy Daly IS a primate!!!

First thing I thought of.

Pretty sneaky, sis!

It kinda feels like every time "Doctor Who" changes leads… it IS the end of an era, but you know when the show comes back the basic framework will still be the same… and some people will say "I hate the new guy" even as the new guy acquires new fans.

Captain Jack, you say?

This basically is the Internet.