The Anachronist

It really isn't. *sigh*

It can be four things!

I haven't seen it, but I imagine it would get me off too.

I'm gonna say it was the Zeltrons in Marvel's "Star Wars" comics.

That's half the turn-on.

… is Nyssa on the other side? Or Martha Jones?

Wait, wait, hold on a minute…


What are YOUR feelings on rim jobs?

So Butt-Munch Mountain has reverted to a monarchy? The Republic has fallen?!?

I saw that - thought they did pretty well.

Doesn't matter - I saw yours first! Upvoted!

I thought it was decent too. You are not alone.

Heh - I still use Evanescence in my workout mix. :)

Ditto - also kind of a visual trick for us viewers… but I could be wrong.

Yeah - as I recall "Red Dragon" is pretty straight-up police procedural. After that Harris got progressively more poetic and fantastical.

Oh - also made lemon squares for my girlfriend with Splenda instead of sugar. Sometimes I am a good boyfriend.

I made the BEST GUACAMOLE EVER, eaten with Beanitos chips and a rum & cola.

See, I'm just the opposite - I love the long stretches of visual poetry.

Used unitards.