The Anachronist

Jackie Browned

That pig must have some powerful friends…

Maybe a "Hang In There Baby!" kitty poster.

You're new here, aren't you?

You've redeemed yourself. Downvote retracted!

He sold me way back in Season 1. "USE THE LADIES' ROOM."

Aaron Abrams and Scott Thompson are at DragonCon this year and I can't wait.

Downvoted for making a Lorena Bobbitt joke in 2015.

Probably didn't have the rights to it.

Chekhov's Eel.

I Jay See what you did there…

I have GOT to see that…

Japanese porn indicates POSSIBLY…

Ooh, I didn't remember that. Thanks!

Aaaaaaaaand I THINK that's the first time I've ever seen semen on network TV.

It did!

There's one now!

Bugs Bunny = Doctor Who, essentially.

My girlfriend never finds any of my references funny. WE SHARE THE SAME PAIN.