The Anachronist

Yeah… tell me more about long protein strands… (rubs groinal area.)

I notice you didn't require a bus ticket either.

What I had with Cargill was beautiful! YOU DON'T KNOW OUR LOVE.

*Trigger warning for use of the term "Golden Cloud" for those subjected to atomized piss play.

Sorry Waffle. :(

Heh heh… "boner".

Englishish, anyway.

Do you find my antlers sexy?

13 eps a year seems right for this show, but I think it could work just fine with 10 or even 6. DO WHATEVER IT TAKES, FULLER.

… I'll take the next one.

Why have you been wanting to like him?


Well, I'm not FROM here. In Rochester, we had different tastes in legitimate theater.

Not much pop culture this weekend. Closest thing is we saw a production of "A Streetcar Named Desire" at a nice little open-air theater near Atlanta. I've never seen a Tennessee Williams play (read "The Glass Menagerie" back in high school) but really enjoyed it - it was a pretty solid production.

I would see that ballet.

Thank you! I learned something from the AVC Commentariat today!

A surprising number of Gaiman fans would watch exactly that, if it were offered.

Huh. Really? Do those lamps smell?

You fly back to school, now, little Starling. Fly fly fly…

Well, see… the idea of this Q&A is that we would LIKE to see them… :)