The Anachronist

What did your father do, Clarice? Was he a cooooal minah? Did he stink of the laaaaaaand?

I love you, Velocirapstar.

It's been awhile since I read it, but didn't she share the attraction but was too thrown by it and committed to her partner?

Hokey fuck those ads pissed me off so much.

I sure got that impression.

Interesting! I lived in Savannah for several years, enjoy the book, and tend to agree.

That one was so bright and colorful… seemed completely wrong to me.

"Jaws" with Nathan Fillion as Brody, Melissa McCarthy as Hooper, and Idris Elba as Quint.

Wait - a scatological sense of humor is psychologically unhealthy?

First they came for the Stars & Bars, and I said nothing because I was not a Duke boy…

a) What's the thing that gets you through the day and/or life? As in, the thing that keeps you from saying "fuck it, let's dive into a crippling heroin addiction as a means to end it all?" Or simply whatever keeps grim oblivion at bay.

"the fella that used totell stories about my strange, fucked up life"

Personally I can only get off on ironic porn.

Yeah… "accidentally".

(Reads "Savage Love")

Give her MY phone number!

Yeah - it's hard to be bitter at NBC for giving us THREE YEARS of a weird-ass bloody psychodrama that no one watched.

Harris is reportedly pretty reclusive. Glad he likes the show though.

I thought AMC would be perfect - there's the movie connection, and with "Mad Men" gone they have room for a visually lush drama… but my girlfriend pointed out that with "The Walking Dead" still going it might be more horror than they'd care for.

They're Rastifying Hannibal 20%.