The Anachronist

Pillow fights perhaps… or - dare I hope - pool parties?!?

I don't? DAMMIT.

I would watch that episode.

Looks like we just did, JERK.

It remains one of my favorite movies about religion.

Pah. "Amblin" was the last good thing he made.

"Takes a lot to make a stew…"

Well, I think there's room for all kinds of stories and all kinds of Batmen, in small doses… personally I find the grimly serious Batman and the edge-of-insanity Batman that have largely prevailed over the last few decades kind of tiresome in quantity.

Now, I grant you the silliness of most of those concepts, but largely they would not have been out of place in the Silver Age 50-60 years ago.


I have not seen that either. Am I OK watching them at work over lunch? (By which I mean, without embarrassing myself emotionally.)

Huh boy.

They're all movies that the owner, Stratton Leopold, produced or was otherwise involved in. ;)

I lived in Savannah for several years - I loved it.

I'll put it on the list!

There is a hope. I know the coordinates of Gallifrey by hear, and have for many, many years… and yet I have a girlfriend, and we occasionally have sex.

(Homer voice) "You bought me a fudge hat! (Singing in the style of Parliament) We want the fudge! Bring on the fudge! Oooooooooow!"

The Anachronist's Girlfriend and I went to Lips last night for a drag-show dinner. Fun, and the food was good!

You bet!

I'm… I'm trying to figure out how (and why) you turned that into a Clinton joke.