The Anachronist

MY girlfriend calls it "that show with the big-tittied redhead".

I just watched it… on AMC.com, since we don't have cable anymore. But 2056 comments?!? I can't EVEN.

Sorry - Gentle Herpes only likes rough-hewn primitivist torsoes.

You're right - you and your friends ARE hotter.

(Johnny Cash voice) I built it oooone piece at a tiiiime…

Enh… same difference.



… couches on fire behind the Raymour Flanigan showroom.

I dunno, I can imagine quite a bit.

The appeal…

… I came.

Hell - I can see boobs at home.

Well Jizzus, PantsGoblin… you can't just toss off a comment like that and not expect us to pull off quips like these.

She returned to the sea to slumber for another human generation.

(Follows swiftly.)

Actually the couch is delighted… which for my money makes it more disturbing.

"Yo no need this job anyway, puta. I've been taking coding classes at night. Chingate!"

You think they just, like, BOUNCE off each other when they go in for lovin's?

Stick it in a little deeper… a little… AAAAAH. There's the pulse!