The Anachronist

On Derriere! On Tuckus! On Hinder and Tushie!

The Nightmare Behind Christmas

I "indulged" her twice last night.

Christmas, maybe it's time you learned to save YOURSELF.

These aren't the films I'm looking for.

Hey! That beef's rich in essential silicon and calcium carbonate!

He wept for joy when I laid it on him, dude.

Defunct?!? Where the HELL am I gonna get a gross of terriers now?

You're never going to make Shift Manager at this rate!!!


Hilarious! I'm allowing you back in!

YOU may leave at any time. Hmmph!

Sounds like SOMEONE hasn't tried Jelly Belly's buttered popcorn beans and also hates joy.

To leather, to dildoes, to curry vindaloo!

"The Nightly Show" is terrific. "Weak tea" indeed!

"Hi - I'm Troy McClure! You might remember me from such head voices as, 'Did I Leave the Iron On?' and 'Make Them All Pay!'"

"Scare"? No.

So it's a period piece now.

… can Mr. Sparkle wash away the guilty stains of my sins?

The movie, or the planet?