The Anachronist

"The Nightly Show" has been killing it since it left the gate.

At 43, I keep discovering NEW kinks.

I meant it still has that effect on me.

"An actual girl blowing on your dick in 6th grade would made most males orgasm in seconds."

Shit - "Gotham By Midnight" sounds right up my dark alley.

I have never had a CinnaBon, yet strangely am not compelled to take advantage of this.

Someone needs to develop an anatomically correct practice vagina device. Kind of like a Resusci-Annie, but for cunnilingus.

Thanks - I did a little research and found the story. I had never heard of spiny dogfish being referred to as "mud shark" before, which confused me further…


I actually have heard it referred to as "that hockey song".

"… they threw a mud shark on a girl or something…"

I could live without "Rock & Roll Pt 2", but will I be able to listen to "Doctorin' the TARDIS" without feeling all oogy? I… I just don't know.

Same with the music. Danny Elfman created (I think) one of the great film scores of all time in "Batman", but since then all the comic movies sound pretty similar (partly 'cause he scored a few of them!)

SomeTHING is wrong on Quaoar!!!

Paul was an all-around jerk nutbag, from everything I've seen.

There are people in their 30s who live in college dorms?!?

Well, mine extrudes hard spines when erect, so it might be uncomfortable for others…

Hell - I'll take an audacious debut of questionable quality over most of the stuff stamped out on the Hollywood cookie cutter in a given year.

WHEN are the pancakes arriving?!?

Just watched this one, and I have to say it worked for me.