The Anachronist

Fucking Christ, that game is adorable.

“I would never guess people would watch cats do stupid things all day long.”


*ahem* Aisha Tyler will be Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk. The Internet has already decided.

I assure you, it's not sudden. Fans have debated this for decades.

"Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures were DW spin-offs."


Nailed it.

My scope's negative - I can't see anything.

Ah, ah… you have to sing to summon State Farm - that's working toward your goal.

Oh hell yes.

Oh, Superman's off on a mission to Galaxy Four. In place of him, maybe you'd care to meet with Supergirl, Superboy, Steel, Vartox, Krypto…

I agree - one of my favorite movie scenes ever.

I love this place. I love all of you so much. *sniff*

Go on… (begins rubbing groinal area.)

Really?!? You young fans - gotta have a special word for everything now! Why back in my day…


Is it still "shipping" if the characters were actually an item on the show?

That's just what Grandma said when I cried after she took my virginity! I RUIN EVERYTHING. (Sobs uncontrollably.)