The Anachronist

After "Dear Zachary", watch that PBS entry about the Donner Party to sweep away the last ashes of your soul.

"We've tapped the volcano to provide geothermal power to the whole base - absolutely clean energy! Meanwhile this array of vents prevents eruption… we've got an open plan kitchen, heated floors… and this rug I feel sets the whole room off nicely."

"… spaceflight turns people into senators and History Channel talking heads, not fire-flinging superheroes or blue-eyed rock men."

Shatner: "You… you must be almost 30 - have you ever kissed a girl?!?"

The Anachronist's Girlfriend and I listened to "Doctor Who: The Apocalypse Element on the way home from doing Thanksgiving and other visiting in Savannah. A good, solid adventure, which I'd recommend to all the New Series fans who would like another taste of what the Last Great Time War might have been like.

I've been trying to figure that one out for ages.

64 quatloos.

The holiday begins with the ritual killing of the sun, enacted by covering all the windows with aluminum foil. Then we begin roasting the cat we've spent all year fattening up. Presents are exchanged - my family is insistent on giving of ourselves, so these are usually shards of finger- and toenails, wads of hair, or,

Parts of it are good.

"Doctor… VON Scott!"


"…or Johnny Cash, if you prefer…"

But how can I make $314,625,987 this weekend using only my Droid?!? THAT'S the information I need!

I liked "Avatar" well enough.

James Cameron has!

You should try it. It's surprising how long you can sit there before the usher figures out who did it.

First thing I thought!

Doesn't have to be a gym - there are plenty of workouts one can do without a special space or equipment.

I dunno - I've always thought if people don't want their profile viewed, they'll jack up their privacy settings. Otherwise it should be fair game.

As God commanded in Leviticus.