The Anachronist

That's a rare and unfortunate birth defect about which The Bishop is very sensitive!

My gravy is hot and ready to pour over the succulent meat.

A cocktail could be considered alcohol in solution…

I've got most of a bottle of Cragganmore…

I actually do travel through time leaving artifacts from various possible futures.

"My mom loved Bjork…"

The only drinking problem I have is that I'm out of bourbon.

There's "lite beer"?

Aa-ah! Timely!

Is that how much your mom is earning on the corner?

So meaty!

Personally I preferred Mike Nelson.


Michael Rosenbaum.

I don't blame @ScottyEnn:disqus - your moms are so attractive.

Jurassic Snark

That's just what I said to your mom last night.

Then we haven't missed our chance at Internet stardom!

Hells yeah. I haven't found a local source yet, but I bring back a supply whenever I visit home.

Good yolk.