The Anachronist

There is no such thing as too much K9.

"Doctor Who will be back in 'THETA SIGMA'S BAAD ASSSSSSS SONG'!"

Your mission for today is to go watch "Doctor Who", "Mystery Science Theater 3000", and "The Young Ones" immediately.

Or at least Ranier Wolfcastle.

Why do you hate Christmas and the Lord, Jesse Hassenger?

Favorite TV characters thread - go!

Besides important life skills like how to do The Pigeon, I'll suggest that the first really important thing I learned on the Street came from their Spanish lessons.


Yep. The terrific novelization by ACH Smith retains the Skeksis-speak, though.

"Burma Shave".

Yeah - I appreciate "Labyrinth", but I don't enjoy it nearly as much.

As an adult (of a sort…), I recognize that the themes and plot of this movie are pretty derivative, and the pacing isn't the best.

" … a witch of the wilds kind of situation."

Well, he loves her… and she KNOWS she can't hold down a job!

"Come on, man - come on man!"

Endut! Hoch Hech!

Trying to keep an enterprising young Muppet from earning an honest dollar through hard work… TYPICAL LIBERAL INTERFERENCE.

Didn't mean to… but if that's validation, I'll take it!

Don't have sympathy - he CHOOSES to live that way.

I was born the year this album came out, and I loved Roosevelt Franklin when I was a kid.