The Anachronist

Not everyone is a complainer.

I managed 5 in one day once in my late 30s, but it was TOUGH. The last one was a Sisyphean ordeal.

Better than his advice to live under the sea.

Meryl be a lotta hard work involved.

I saw her in '94… right after this album came out. Fantastic.

Hey - as long as his "sword" is naked he can wear whatever he wants on the rest of himself.

Hector Salamanca with real bell-ringing action!

Well, that's what the Leader of our particular cult demands.

Now, wait a minute… when you say "teenage", just what age are we talking about here?

I dunno about structurally, but they sure feel close.

Aren't they neat?

"Travelling with the Doctor does seem to have a corrupting effect on his human passengers. "

I read that AND "The Autobiography of Dale Cooper" AND the Twin Peaks "Visitor's Guide".

They're rich in essential huckles.

(Through tears of shame) W-WHO TAUGHT THE ALIEN TO G-GIVE WEDGIES?!?

Do they sell toys based on books? 'Cause if not, I'm not interested.

"… three more versions of the Barry Allen Flash running simultaneously…"

I expect plenty of cross-promotion with various shoe outlets.

Not ALL persuasions. Some of us are only turned on by the fully-clothed. Where's OUR pornography?!?

I know, right? Jeebus Christ.