The Anachronist

I would, because cetaceans are my jam.

Well the thing is that "Who" had been somewhat sporadic on our local PBS station before then. We got the first 4 Tom Baker seasons in the 70s… then it went away for a while and came back with the next couple in the early 80s.

Though I've been an avid "Doctor Who" watcher since 1978, it didn't become my favorite until 1983 or so.

Her and my mom on the same day? DAMMIT.

(shrugs) Just go on a date with her and see what it's like - if you are attracted to her, if you have personal chemistry, and so on.

It sure is!

The TV shows are talkin' to each other now, folks!

"Any time a superintelligent, talking gorilla is involved is pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel."

I thou thought "Spider-Man" should've had a jazz score. Seriously.

Meh. The Japanese have been making better sexual dysfunctions for decades.

"It mostly comes at night… mostly."

(I do the same thing, for the record.)


Good to hear! I'll check it out.

I have never heard of this show and am now very intrigued.

I only watched it this morning, but thought it was pretty solid. I really enjoyed it.

What must Sherlock Hemlock think of this?!?

Holy shit - the ending of "Doctor Who: Human Nature/The Family of Blood" gets me every time.

Wait - seriously?

Also, those of you who know what's going on with my family right now will understand why "Baby Mine" might be particularly relevant. :(