The Anachronist

Thanks again.

I technically don't have vacation time at the moment.

"Doing some sort of temp work while staying with your mother, sending what cash you can spare back to the girlfriend, and using any free time you get to finish those grad school applications… does that sound like a possibly workable plan?"

Thanks as always Dikachu.

Thanks, LittleMac. That's my thinking too.

That sounds like a lot to go through. I see why you would be stressed!

As long as said boner wasn't caused/intensified by mass terrorist murder, you're OK.

Idiotking, I love you anyway.


Oh, Savage Dik (and by extension the AV Club commentariat), I need help. It's not strictly love- or sex-related, but…

Then you need to go watch "An Unearthly Child" right now.

Angry? Or sad? Anyway, the Doctor is frequently a jerk even to people he cares about. One reason I relate to him so much…

"… I'm just not used to an angry Doctor whose kind of a dick to his companion…"

Really really enjoyed "Doctor Who: Listen".


Other than the general comment that I really really enjoyed this story, I will support the suggestion that it doesn't matter who/what was under young Rupert's blanket.

No Sea Devil as far as I can tell, but there is a Sensorite, a Terileptil, and that scaly dude whose name I can't remember from "Sarah Jane".

"Are you feeling better, Mr. Brainswash? (CakeBoss!)"

… or Idiotking's penis.

I definitely interpreted it as "had sex with to the point of orgasm or other satisfaction for one or both parties".