The Anachronist

You must not have seen "Hannibal" yet. :)

If you got off with the bride's sister, it sounds like you DO have something sexy to report!

Idiotking bantering with his penis needs to be a YouTube show.

Idiotking's penis is a sensitive creature.

That's unbelievably awful.

If this is really Idiotking's penis, his (its?) typing skills have certainty improved.

You shoulda seen the "Itchy & Scratchy Show" boardgame the year Poochie was introduced.

I had many movie and TV tie-in games, including the "Kotter" hose one.

Enjoyed "Doctor Who: Robot of Sherwood" immensely.

It's how Harlan Ellison described it way back when. I'm willing to accept it, even when some TV evidence has suggested otherwise.

Wignasium is better. I amend my previous comment.

Ah, Rutan vindaloo… I've come close to madness trying to replicate it here on Earth, but they just can't get the spices right…

Yup - I loved that. :)

"Narrative collapse"? Someone's been reading "TARDIS Eruditorum", then…

Well! I thought this was nothing but fun! Swordplay! Witty banter! Twue wove! What's not to like?

The Simpsons couldn't enter the Hills' world, but the other way 'round worked just fine for me.

I adore "The Stones of Blood". It's got Baker cutting up like mad (I still love his little "Ha ha!" to the justice machines) and a terrific supporting cast. (Amelia Rumford remains one of the great not-companions in the show's history.)

"… are we to believe this is some sort of MAGICAL xylophone?!?"

Also "South Park" and "King of the Hill".

Aah-aah! Funny!