The Anachronist

Don't have the money for a pro. :(


Meanwhile, Tom Baker, one of the tallest, is drawn here as practically a hobbit.

How did you get from people liking them to a book coming out?

So what pays the bills until you get the thing that makes you happiest going well enough that IT pays the bills? 'Cause I have tremendous difficulty carving enough time out of my 40-hour a week job, plus everyday life maintenance, to work on the stuff I'm really interested in enough to get it to a point where I could

The concern I see here is that if one goes from one job to another, based on what seems interesting (or at least tolerable) at the time, one looks like a job hopper and/or someone without goals or direction. Which may be one thing hampering my own job search…

Oh, I know I have the RIGHT to… it's just difficult doing so, especially given my rather unique employment history and a degree (BA in Anthropology) which, at least on paper, doesn't get me too far for most jobs (except ones that just require ANY Bachelor's.)

What the heck is the issue with pleated pants?

Thanks Dik.

I never read it as a lie either… just how the realities of life can rob you of things you care about and you may not realize it until it's too late.

Savage Dik, I could also use some career advice… or just some metaphorical ears to vent to.

Yeah - the audios really hit the balance between the 6th Doctor being an egotistical blowhard but still charming and compassionate.


I haven't seen that movie but now I totally have to.


Commenting on Savage Love turned out to be BETTER than Savage Love…

I don't get all the angst about the unwanted calls and texts. If a number I don't recognize calls, I ignore it and wait for a voice mail. Unwanted texts are similarly easily ignored. Sometimes they can be a source of fun, but mostly I just disregard them or text back that they have the wrong number.

"You’ve taken shits that are longer and thicker than his erect penis. But unless you’ve taken shits that have jumped out of the toilet and jammed themselves back into your ass, and then proceeded to pound away at you for 20 minutes…"

Oh, I have, I have.

I have the weirdest boner right now…