The Anachronist

Oh yes - the whole movie was incredibly well-made.

Oh Christ don't get me started on Zach Braff OR I JUST MIGHT RRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHRRRR…

I'm a big Tom Waits fan, but "Swordfishtrombone" just left me cold.


If you really wanna know…

There was a book released about the time the movie was, but it followed the storyline and I don't recall any behind-the-scenes material.

I ain't dissin'. The one I built and operated in my senior year was no better… and some of those are awesome.

"The lube shorted out the calculator."

Actually… a few.

Let me know when NASA starts running sex ads.

"Buy your average porn isn't going to feature a man with a small dick. I'd imagine you'd have to search that out."

Superfluous?!? My nipples are extremely useful for at least one thing…

"He learned too late that… Man is a FEELING creature…"

Ooh… factor me, baby.

Prime numbers get me hot!

We certainly don't know that Alana is dead.


I was just in shock for some time after. "Hannibal" undid me.

Unbelievable. His face in the rain? I just… I can't.

You know, if the show had ended right there, it would be OK.