The Anachronist

The chicky was impressed by Betty drinking milk out of a bucket in a barn?

Tell us more about these dreams you've been having… in vivid detail, please.

Are you wanton us to shut up about it?

"Why do all these bisexuals keep sucking my cock?"

Hey - coital bird strikes are a serious safety hazard.

I don't care what Dan says - I'm going to go ahead and call myself a "juicy boner hobbyist".


Roger: "Was that shaft always there?"

To be fair, he only WONDERED if they were.

I love you.

I can't believe he hasn't done it.

I may have to make it my new mission to watch the Little Rascals drunk.

The booze is all the company you need.

You… you really did a floor plan of the SC&P office?

(Hank Hill voice) "That boy ain't right. Oh, sorry - wrong Bobby. Force of habit."

"… and no drinking in the office."


Goddammit - TV helped GIVE me ADD… and now it wants me to pay attention?!?

"Mournful tits"?

I can only hope that in the final episode Ted Chaouaghugh bodily lifts Cutler and hurls him down the building's reactor shaft.