The Anachronist

He hopped a taxi to a farm upstate…

Wubba lubba dub-dub!

Don: "Whew! Compared to Lane, I got off easy."

I'd be happy to take it. I'm not skeeved by death or dark stories (quite the opposite!), and as much as I dislike my current job, it was the first in 24 years of working to give me my own office. It doesn't even have a window, but yeah… NICE.

I seem to have just the opposite problem…

Make mine Joan and Shirley and I'm in.

In the alternate universe where "Mad Men" is a wacky comedy, Cutler tries that trick, but wily Don sends Roger to look under the box instead. "D'oh!"

Jesus, you folks pick up on a lot of subtleties. That's what I get for drawing while watching, I guess.

Was it actually stated that the girl didn't have a sandwich, or other nourishing lunch components? Maybe she just really wanted the extra sandwich, and was willing to lose the gumdrops.

So SC&P really DID put Don on leave in hopes that he would quit? I didn't realize that level of weaselishness had been invented in 1969.

Damn. LAYERS. I didn't pick up on that at all.


I laughed.

Whew. I was desperately hoping that Don would NOT go back to SC&P, not get sucked back into the labyrinth of poison and misery. During the montage of him alternately returning and anticipating (dreading?) the return, I wanted to scream at him: "Get out of there - get out of advertising if you can. Go to California,

… you actually had a milkman?

"…my doctor's kind of shady…"

I think to legally own any human body part (except bits that are typically cut off and/or lost, like hair, fingernails, teeth) in the US you need a permit, but don't quote me on that.

… with paddles.

We did the bear pun thread last night, Whovian - you Shardik been there.

Hey - those are just the fashion in Pawnee right now.