
Sorry, but I found Jax's sudden (and convenient) stupidity incredulous in this episode.  We've seen the guy make connections and sniff out moves in ways that would make Chess Grandmasters proud (e.g. How quickly he deduced Stahl's true motive when she tried to flip him while in prison).  So, I find it hard to believe

Yeah, I've been thinking something along the same lines.  However, I hope the show doesn't go down the route of introducing the next, most abstracted layer of the drug empire.  i.e. Some big multi-national corporation with a bunch of suits cast as Walt's new nemeses

I like how last season the Aztek's windshield was repeatedly broken in a number of ways, while this season Walt's face was repeatedly broken in a number of ways.  I think its a subtle metaphor about where his morality.

To all of you who called it last week: bravo.  Personally, I was too naive to see it at the time, especially since I bought Walter's impassioned plea ("Just go.  Drive.") hook, line, and sinker.

Uh, if Walt poisoned Brock, then why would he ever implore Jessie to "Get in your car.  Just go.  Just drive?"

What if Gus knew about the car bomb plan?

I'm a devoted Fringe watcher, but I'm finding it hard to really get into the episodes this season.  Something is lacking, and it's not just Peter Bishop.  It seems like the show has lost some of its magic.  Everything seems rote, even stale by this point.  New shapeshifters?  Eh, more of the same.  The duality of the

Blech.  Is it me, or is there one giant flaw in the premise of the show?  Namely, if you can only travel through the portal in one direction, and given the different "time streams," then how does anyone in 22nd century Earth know where/when the portal leads? 

Primer deserved to be somewhere in that list.  It was easily the biggest mindf*ck movie of that decade; even more so than The Prestige, Memento, etc.

That last minute was haunting.  Walt's yell shocked the hell out of me.  But then he started to cry.  And then…the laughter.  Oh yeah, and all of that combined with Skylar's (finally) speechlessness.  Wow.  Reminded me of the scene in Goodfellas when Henry finds out that Melfi flushed the coke away.  That's a fine

I suspect that Walt is going to indirectly find out about the Skyler-Ted scheme from Saul.  And this latest betrayal (from his perspective) is going to be the catalyst that results into his final transformation into Heisenberg.