
No I didn't notice, I don't exactly follow your every comment or anything. Haha it's ok man, it's not the end of the world. At least you know :)

No I didn't notice, I don't exactly follow your every comment or anything. Haha it's ok man, it's not the end of the world. At least you know :)

This guy is the only idiot running around here with spoilers for no reason. I've had to avoid coming here after each episode or at least stop myself before reading recent comments (actually just this douchebag that specifically references future plots.) No one is replying back to you all you're doing is posting to

This guy is the only idiot running around here with spoilers for no reason. I've had to avoid coming here after each episode or at least stop myself before reading recent comments (actually just this douchebag that specifically references future plots.) No one is replying back to you all you're doing is posting to

'Mike has spoken to Fring on at least two occasions (on the phone when the cousins are about to kill Walt, and again at the top of the parking garage when Jesse is trying to sell his independent product).'

their* motherfucking their* You did it twice then got it right the third time… lol :/