
Nora got false positives on Question 121 because she radiated sadness and probably ended up telling people about her family (even though she told her boss that she would 'never do that'. Nobody is going to stare her in the face and tell her they believe her 3 family members aren't in a better place, and it's easier

I have to go back and watch it again… I was so worried Cosima was going to drop and die while she was dancing that I had trouble enjoying it the first time.

Molly has a problematic pair of gloves. She has Lester without Malvo… one is useless without the other. She drops Lester so someone else can find the pair and "take" them. It's awesome how many reads this story has.

I'd be interested to see Rowan Kaiser's opinion on this scene. He based his D+ for the 3rd episode of Black Sails on the unneccesary gangrape scene in an otherwise average hour of television. From the opening paragraph of his review: