M...as in Mancy

i signed up for the seminars thing, but didnt pay in Faygo currency, so all the shit i said before was relegated to AVC blahblahblah

BOTH are amazing….because of the different perspectives, and of the grisliness of the subject material that requires a 'razor' of judgement?

you might want to take a side, but the dialectics involved will drive you insane…this is a great study to present to Maurice Merleau-Ponty, a noted and gifted mind on the problems of subjectivity….

if Faygo Orange contains caffeine, then i cant argue

i dont know, but it would speak against the racist bend of juggalo nation, and more towards the appreciation of 'street cred' brought forth by Lil Kim….something that Tequila would apparently do ANYTHING to purchase….

i would have loved to see an established poster here uncloak themselves and go buckwild on the Juggalo haters….just for the reveal…


i will posit that, just as the posters here can observe coldly that Tequila is a ruthless manipulator for her own brand, that the Juggalos ALSO recognize that she suborning their passions for her own benefit….as opposed to the "unattainable hot chick" scenario as stated, the Juggalos a priori see her as someone who

Yuengling is hard to get out west, so many of my friends and i in the desert treat it as gold WHEN we can get it….having said that, Stone Ruination IPA is a quality drunk….

why aint you breast-feedin'….you look capable…

…but not before everyone pumps a round in the chippie…think of it as a team-building exercise….

its 'Space Cash'

…or former NH congressman Dick Swett?

the cadence implied by the CAPS is more in line with a Lewis Black rant

like i said…

agree on more Cressbeckler…now, where's that Chinese girl?