Tea Rex

I'm at the opposite end. I goddamn love the Q, particularly Lancie Q. There's something marvelous and Lovecraftian about some omnipotent entities fucking around with the universe because they have nothing better to do. And De Lancie played it like some sort of Loki creature looking for a good time.

Good Jesus, do I fucking second your comment. Semi-literate Russian speaker/married to a Russian guy. We've been following Russia's neo-nationalistic movement for about 8 years now (at least since we heard about the Nashi youth movement, which freaked my husband right the fuck out) on some alternative Russian news

I literally never got the Southern Butthurt aspect of the song, probably because even as a kid I was a prolific reader and the story came off to me as a southern version of any of a number of tales in which the supposed yokel is actually pretty crafty and ends up outwitting a demon/devil/death.

Goddamn it, New Coke Satan is just not as cool as old school. There's something very clean about Satan going around just being a dick about catching all the souls rather than being some sort of evil warlord.

The only onscreen parties I've ever wanted to jump into were the meetups in coffee shops, bars and dancehalls in Midnight in Paris. I am totally down with dancing the Charleston with Djuna Barnes and "avoiding" Ernest Hemingway's advances.

Hey, we could just be raped by Satan. So, living is still an option.

Nah, that orgy was way too choreographed. I've never seen people so bored of fucking.

Who does he say killed the Bordens, then? I'm very interested, because everything I've ever read essentially claims the jury just didn't believe that a woman could so visciously kill her parents. However, lady murderers weren't unknown before Borden's time, so I always thought that was kind of a weak argument.

You know, the lawn one was one of those that I liked, though the premise was seemingly stupid. They went into the god-awful lameness of certain HOAs contractually obligating their home owners to sod their lawns with grass that literally cannot survive in the homeowners' local climate. They also showed the pure amount

Breathe in and out, man. Relax. People have been resolving to read more fine literature for years and years - in fact, there's an entire conversation in Jane Austen's Emma about just that resolution. We're living in a television golden age. It's not a sin for people to resolve to be closer to our cultural successes by

Vampire Prosecutor is fabulous! He's a lawyer, see, but a VAMPIRE lawyer! With a motorcycle! He goes after baddies and drinks dead-people blood cause he's a good guy!

I like the idea of Skarsgard listing "infanticide" as something within his wheelhouse.

On the other hand, you also have that terrible looking Nut Job movie coming up. For which I pour one out for you,

If they play it like FMA, then there's the possibility of someday getting a more faithful, second adaptation. So, I'm cool with it either way.

They've aged-up Jonas to 16. Which I'm really not surprised about. People get weird about 12 year olds experiencing sexual feelings, or seeing tons of death in movies.

I am cautiously optimistic about The Giver. However, I assume the reason it was finally given the greenlight is because of The Hunger Games, and I'm nervous that the movie will be far more bombastic than the book. There are so many great, creepy, horrible moments, and I worry that there will be some sort of "attempt

Hush yo mouth. Bollywood movies, the good ones, are awesome. The end.

Hush, you! I approve of this reposted repost, because the content is pertinent!

My 7 year old niece was equally enthralled when she saw the trailer before Frozen. But after the movie, when I asked her if she wanted to see Walking with Dinosaurs, she said "I don't know - do they talk through the WHOLE movie?"
Kids know its bullshit, too.

Mr Tea and I have been drinking way too much Left Hand Milk Stout as of late. A number of places in town have it on tap, and I've never encoutered a smoother stout.
Other than that, it's Hot Toddy season! Nothing like a toddy to warm to while decorating the Christmas tree.