Oh, come on.
Oh, come on.
I, for one, have learned to stop worrying and love the site, with expectations that tweaking is part of any new site roll-out. A lot of this has to do with Josh Modell responding to my email with soothing tones.
I hope this wave of slavery movies means that someone will finally produce a Toussaint Louverture biopic.
I know for a fact that I'm about your age, Scrawler, and I've never heard of such a song - and we moved around a lot as a kid, so I had at least four different regions of this nation to encounter it. Where were you based?
They're making an American Gods series?? *Googles*
His weird fae-like features do make you think "guy who is Lord of Dreams, and totally capable of shutting away his girlfriend in hell for 10,000 years."
I hear that Michelangelo was a pretty big asshole. And the Sistine Chapel has more than one insult to his contemporaries painted in. Caravaggio was a brawler who beat the shit out of people who "insulted" him with regularity. He killed one guy in a fight and was on the run for the rest of his life. William S…
Still working on the DOOM list, though my speed has slowed consider ably because I'm working on my own projects. Reading Timescape and Nightwood back to back at the mo. It's a weird juxtaposition.
I will not be happy unless there's two romantic triangles and the men perpetually keep their shirts off. Also, the lead terrorist is a broody, misunderstood guy who just needs the right girl to understand and love him for who he is.
I'm on team No one. It's my fan canon belief that Collins was told by her publisher that her many young readers would wrend their copies of Mokingjay in twain if Katniss chose to live in PTSD seclusion.
My big problem is that, like many sites that have switched to this new paneled look, my work computer doesn't support the comment section at all. I'm reduced to tapping on my phone like a derelict animal if I want to laze about at work.
Holy shit, guys. Step away from the NFL episode and watch Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria. Absolutely terrifying.
One eats an apple and falls asleep. The other pricks her finger and falls asleep. Both wake up when a necrophiliac comes by and has some kinky fun.
The Coachman from Pinnochio. That guy gets no cummuppance! He'll be stealing away boys making stupid mistakes and turning them into donkeys for a long, long time! That can't be an efficiant way of trading working animals (think of the expense of Pleasure Island!) so he must be doing it for the lulz!
Forgive me for knowing this information.
I also read the first two, and was disappointed by the second. And damned if I have to read the third, just so that I can find out what the hell the society's all about.
Bah. Fleming wanted Cary Grant as James Bond and thought Sean Connery was too rough to play the part. What did he know of good, live-action Bonds?
In my case, it would be a panties-wetting.
Someone has also downvoted your anger at downvoting a Whedon quote.
I have seen the Lion King musical, and I think he has an accurate depiction of the theatrical feel of Some Nights, even though he hasn't seen the Lion King. In fact, when this song debuted, my then-living-place had The Lion King touring show pass through. Some Nights started playing on my radio, and I was confused,…