Roger Waters
"The Pros And Cons Of Hitchhiking"
Roger Waters
"The Pros And Cons Of Hitchhiking"
I'm sitting here on a hazy Monday morning avoiding work by trying to decide which movie is more terrible: Sleepers or Mrs. Doubtfire.
Boldly going forward…
… cuz we can't find reverse.
The problem with women's magazines that promise to reveal all those bedroom secrets is that it fools men standing in line at the grocery store that women actually want to have sex with them.
Brick was a tough sit the first time through, I'm guessing it's better the second time once you're used to its pretensions.
Is it just me
Or is that neon yellow "AMC Premiere" bug in the corner of the screen for the entire show completely fucking distracting?
I don't know what Nathan looks like, so who should play him in the movie? I'll go with Idris Elba.
Does Spinal Tap count?
Actually, the Psycho comment was a word-for-word recreation of a classic comment made almost 40 years ago.
Dearest Hollywood,
Please get an original idea once in your stupid fucking life, rather than recycling the same shit.
I saw a fight, where this one guy, like, punched another guy, and like, that guy punched the other guy back.
You forgot the two Batman movies where he played Robin?
I don't blame anyone for hating Inland Empire. Totally understandable.
Dirk Diggler
Yeah, Wahlberg is definitely not someone I'd want to meet in real life, ever.
Close to the Edge
Does this mean that Yes needs to release an album called Pet Shop Boys?
Beastie Boys
In 30 years (!) I've never heard a Beastie Boys song that didn't make me want to bandsaw my own ears off. I've accepted that the problem is with me, as other people actually like their music.
Love this movie. One of the best child performances ever.
First film I ever saw with Filliam H. Muffman.
Tony Plana.
Sorry, but I can't watch the actress who plays Paul's daughter without thinking …