that was not what i was expecting who remembers the secret girls dot come or whatever. this man should make his own movie using all the latest technology to show miller what really going on.
that was not what i was expecting who remembers the secret girls dot come or whatever. this man should make his own movie using all the latest technology to show miller what really going on.
trent reznor
gets an 8 in the ratings… uses toys so i dont think its really a quest. are you saying the 26 year old never had an orgasm and went to double teaming to solve her problem? she lying to you she still hasn't had one thats what i think. vibrator or something cmon! "i just didn't wanna be the only one!"
its a cash in on MCR and success its gotta be.
i hate the riddler. i always thought he looked stupid in everything ive seen. screw batman as well.
that is an instant hit and jolie was not so good in alexander nor was ferrel really ellen page is a smash in everything she does! but she is too small to pay cleopatra i think they should let charlize theron do it give her a tan and no one will know. just like in b44 get down those guys colda been eygyptian but they…
i like taken… 'by predator'. id call it … take and bake … this time instead of getting people slaves its for cannibles more like hostle ya get it into the east more where there are more dilaptated looking locations.
i havnt seen this yet! wierd cause its channel fifteen. does it have the dog in it, brian? if its like the cosby show i dont want to see it the humour needs brian or like american dad there is the fish and the alien.
best ever the melvins are in a class by themselves!
"nuclear tactical grenades have a shelf life of 150 years… they can be dropped and picked up after you die… a trooper only lasts for twenty, save those grenades trooper! im geussing you could gloss that one over with that line of dialog." and also this board is starting to feel like a vietnam debate they won that war…
i think i twas richards who did it best its hard to see but thers pain behind that smile and shining eyes. eyes that have seen so much war … so much pain.
i want to see another classic done up in hand drawn even another mulan style thing. it never happens anymore! NFB should do harpers toad and red queen its the clostest thing i can hope for.
not all skin heads are nazis or racists well most of them racist but i mean check out DMX's hair cut he's a skin head right? hes in allot of the skin head techno hip hop shit on youtube. (turken carnaval or hardcore soldiers extreme are examples) they are gang members. im someone calling for more sympthetic potraly…
well there is in linguistics… mmm i think maybe it could be that the correlation outside of that is that people who understand that there is a difference between the two words or are at least intelligent and open minded enough to learn it are the civilised part of civlization people who dont are just kinda there.
well he did reform, good message. they should play it in school with the curb stomp and prison rape scenes removed.
ya look at the communist nations they have all gone socialist, so a social structure of greater breadth then a singular nation like the free market did cause war but in the end the civilizations who prescribed at least somewhat to this social structure (a bit kanatian with fre market replacing nation trading i think)…
thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard! what civilization is still around the incas or the spainyards? the native americans or white america? the brits have gone to war many times the queen still rules there even if as figurehead. war will always happen its a by product of not a breakdown of civlization. you cant go…
frighteners is one of my all time favs.
did not watch sex and the city i dont think ill see this its too much like superbad or something.