is that from im like a bird?
is that from im like a bird?
i love his movies but he needs sound and movement i think this is a rare misstep for rob zombie my favorite superhero in real life! i like his wild theories and allegations of the supernatural.
its his job you moron whats he going to do learn how to drive a truck be a steam sngine operatior cmon tom gable still the dude everyone wants to hear from on any given subject. put a pop punk beat behind him and watch him go ! you dont get over it ever! lets all hope he really gets over it and does a pro bush song…
MONARCH VODKA 100 proof is the best for all you drinking needs a bit of koolaid and no one shall know! or RnR rye with ginger ale and a lime. dont drink much gin but the van gogh gin is supposed to be good i like gordons.
i like the single well enough
teenage anarchist is not bad. im glad they are still a bit more rockin then sum 41 or blink 182. heart burns was good i thought… conceptual paths might have needed a bit of work… but it was pretty funny other then that it was pretty smart. @elitisttrash obviously he was influnaced by…
cheap bacon. cmon toul thats legit… a ogre would not be that round its not gimmick its science.
i hate sherk ive never watched it but it looks terrible. they took the dragon from mulan and made it a donkey then too so i married an axe murderer dad or something. sherks ugly. and its all too round it looks like dora or something. i liked monsters inc but i wont see sherk.
hye amelie supposedly hatingon that nose job makes you a fag. you a dyke or sumthing? not that theres anything wrong with that but i should know i dont want you going around here pretending to be normal when your not.
you dont have to be gay to hate a cheezy bitch like leia that incestous slut
did star wars come out when you were 8 or something?… if not then either your lying or to me your kinda a freak. also shes nothing special.
come now overprivilaged theres no such thing. and the point is moot as now that we have the net everyones voice can be heard! god bless the internet.
fcc are freakin nazis! its a cartoon its not for real! when shows pioneer new comic genius they should not be hinderd by small minded others.
i fucking hated the new superman kinda only a few good shots. the fortress of solitude should be less. and clark should get yoked by a person or 2! moriaty sohud be developing a mind control ray but the real issue is that there are many who want moriarties rule. for like in TNG with the pleasing game they play this…
i doubt limbaugh would have strech marks if he did not want them white trash with money outside the media would support him in his surgical endevours. he should watch the fog of war or something. not like that, not a powerful man, a shock jock, a little boy with a microphone. if limbaugh ever made it to the middle…
voyager is the ship that was the most alive. little large of a concept so streched over a few series. ya that doctor is a menace i like barkley on the deck. but at least thers no wesley with her around.
the moore of the right limbagh is a fucking disgrace. a provocative film but he is not the same or as interesting a figure as bush. just like colbert said. someone who touts the american ideal of individualism so highly should not be such a fat drug dependant ignorant piece of trash. its people like moore and limbaugh…
Ayn rand was virginias wolfs dark mirrior.
the strips about a freaking dog eating pies. the dogs not an anti semite. pretty slanderous. kidding. was the dud who writes it in prison for hate crimes or something? they should of done it more homeward bound style.
fuck the police this show wasn't any good till matlock came on the scene. things got dirtier!