
get with the times marmaduke. batman went darker sin city was popular as was watchmen. spider man is not so good now. spiderman's not venom most of the time hopefully raimi pulls it together with carnage cause venom is a bitch compared to him. that like a small story why did you pick that? might wait to rent this one

"every group wants to be u2" cmon oasis you might deserve the yoko treatment. getting in fights all the time! need to learn of peace and love i suppose.

headstones are way better for stone named bands cubically contained is a good one.

2? watching avatar much? jew?

no man bowersox should of won it. had another good singer inthe flaming lip dewyze should join with them not surfjan surfjan is nothing special really the hype has died. i only listend to pink robots once but it was good. what's won oasis mean?

if you dont pay to see that movie thats pretty bad. i geuss. old movies only or something. they should have alegit site for 80s movies for free. then there would be less of it i think. stream them. but totally free.

no under the sea!

its too bad sheen keeps pulling himself back up on to the wagon or whatevs. but ya skewlyard. flav might get anew show about going to school on drug day they should have charlie come warn flav and the children of the dangers of painkillers and liquer or coke i geuss. that would be a heartwarming episode. theymight

master p rocks. i trust him more then cnn! and if he says there is something horrible going down in florida well i believe him over any of you! perhaps none of florida's fisherpeoples have been killed in the cut and dry maaner by the oil spill but master p is speaking not only in terms of spiritual death (pollution of

ya white chicks is his best performance of all time so funny! crews is awesome. that was the funniest movie of that year and all because of his screen time. its a shame i dont enjoy highschool in sotcoms too much or id watch His other show.

at times a true artist, a man with passion for the arts must, as brownings pan did with such glee, destroy to create. start again. don't discouraged remember virginia was thought mad in her time and time has told her tale… yet it lacks her voice. the bell will toll for you good doctor! In time your work shall be

i know i never got how splinter could still feel for shedder that meance. why splinter why?

what ever he says blizzards done it better. room full of miriors with no way to shut your eyes.

coleman RIP from helping us to learn of things on a sitcom to keeping our shopping plazas free of crime. commitment to a better plac efor all your brothers and sisters was a light that shone in your heart. thank you gary,you shant soon be forgotten…. now as dakota and justin loft your torch high no tears will fall

i like this one allot
televisions turned up to loud is funny just have to hear the cars whizzing by!

they should give hobbit to final fantasy people. it looks great for fantastical things and making it animated would allow for more songs included. not the first one though the second? dudes

the parasite gave me a fright as a child. it does not get good till riker gets his beard and the uniforms change a bit more. there is always a morality play episode in every season. they are fun enough but usually not the real winners. star trek is the next generation is the greatest show ever and they should play it

just imagine if lost kept going or we got lost 2. lost was not that good. lost junkies are a downer you should have to stardong the trekkie thing and preface every lost related story or converstation you intiate ,which i am sure there are many of, with "i know lost sucks but" days of our lives + gillingans better

twitters a menace you made kuthcher a star twitter and now you'd like us to forget that hyde was supposed to be the cool one… before twitter came and ruined everything. does jackie even work anymore? :(

wow interesting, its a good genre and the bands did some great work with feelings in the lyrics. what about PWT?