Wright Lawyer

*inb4 cool story bro

My man!


We're not doing so well, Patrick. We need a new approach, a new tactic.

Note to self: Watch out for Squidward.

If you think I'll let go just for a little…

The Bruce Willis card where "It turns out that PBR was really Smegma the whole time" has been proven to be pretty reliable.

I got 62 tracks… is one of us doing this wrong?

There's only so many *ethnicities of delivery people.

Kel fucked his money up (damn), now he can't re-up… on liter bottles of orange soda.

Seconded. Is there a De La Soul Customer Service Representative I can speak to?

Your gimmick is bad and you should feel bad!

Why you comin' home, five in the mornin'…

This guy strikes me as a little more professional than Saul, although I do take umbrage with you classifying Saul as a buffoon: colorful personality as he was (and will be once more come November) the point was that he was a perfectly competent, maybe even great lawyer. He'd just do whatever the hell it took to get

You and I both, sister.

Given just how shitty Boyd's situation is at the moment, the fact that the coming season is indeed the last one, and we haven't had a proper Raylan-Boyd showdown since the first episode, I can't be the only one finding this situation a bit Heisenberg-esque, can I?

I'm gonna have to call the Karma Police if this pun thread doesn't shape up soon.

Soylent Green.

You say that like he hadn't already thought about it…

Will somebody please just give O'Neal the Peabody already