a sheep with a secret sorrow

I didn't think of that - the gaslighting in her relationship is very comparable to Kimmy's situation and explains her persistence in getting Jacqueline to leave.
Also, Jane Krakowski is totes gonna blorch in the above photo.
Also, Jacqueline Vorhees sounds like a Jenna Maroney pen name for her romance novels/sexual

I have been around rich awfuls before and heard the equivalent of that first joke. for reals.

wow. yup. good memory.

"Lemon, I've held Walt Disney's frozen head in my hands."
same universe!

I guess that makes all of you guys a bunch of Titusses(ssss?) But you are as God made you.

It is a very interesting thing to explore though. Abusers, pimps, cult leaders - etc. They do have *something* that makes people follow. It's hard to be critical of them at the time and sometimes embarrassing for victims later when their buffoonery is on display but the spell is broken. I'm not a Kimmy Schmidt type.

does not compute. how do you not want to hear bout

I'm a cartoonist and I'm always stealing stock footage to use as references for shadows/figure drawings when I'm working from my desk with no models … took that closeup of her face and the pair of them with their hands up just because it's entertaining.

wolfmanjewgasm is how i read that

Hmmm… good point. I think I read him that way because he seemed like a reference to Gedde Watanabe's character in 16 candles "Long Duk Dong" who comes across as ridiculous/unfuckable (though he does drunkenly have sex(?). I saw that movie a long time ago, but it seemed like both the other characters and the camera

Plus, she's rich. Rich 50 is middle class 38.

Absolutely not. It's more that it's frustrating when you are a viewer who is presented with the same kind of joke about yourself everytime you watch tv. There are very few asian leads on American tv. A dick joke is a dick joke is a dick joke. Dick jokes are funny. But they already did that with 16 candles. I'm sure

Titus (my favorite character) needs to be given plots that aren't just capers if he is to anchor a b-story. He's great in small doses if he is delivering zingers as "sassy black friend" (yes, i know, gag) but he and lillian "old wacky neighbor" aren't fully developed characters even though they are funny. Which is

I have really good memories of watching 30 rock with my best friend and was about to tell him to watch this as a break while he's drowning in grad school … but I haven't. My friend has a great, mean sense of humor. I didn't bc of that character, Dong. (Spoiler Alert).

I have a feeling they are going to continue to handle the sexual abuse stuff with just dark asides. I can tell you from working with girls who have survived sexual abuse that kissing someone (esp consensually) can be a huge new first for them.