Ted Maul

Indie bookstores blow. I'd love to support my local bookstore, but frankly, it's terrible. They have more Ayn Rand than Philip Roth. Not more copies of Atlas Shrugged than total Roth books, more individual works Ayn Rand books than Roth books total. I mean, I'm pretty sure she only wrote like 3 books (and she sucks),

During the press conference, there seems to be a suggestion that Barry bribed the parole board in order to get Morales out of jail. Getting out a jail and a payday to throw a fight? Makes sense to me.

Chris Brown is a bad example, because even if he were some sort of superhero champion of charity and kindness, his music would still be terrible.

I like how the third one changed. Blew my mind.

Deliverance is a great album. Thanks to Ms. New Booty, no one on earth believes me when I tell them that.

This game could have been so good.
Which is why it's failure is so tragic. Only redeeming factor is Stephen (don't call him Steve) Heck. That guy kicks copious amounts of ass.

I thought
That this was a reference to the academy award winning film "Ass". When is Ass's director working again? That shit was golden.

The worst song ever is B44's "Get Down". This is largely beyond dispute.

Romanian Boy Bands
don't judge me.