Stephen Hawking in a Pizzeria

Hammerstein! I'm literally waiting for October.

You had me at "exhaustive".

You had me at "exhaustive".

I had this on my DVR until I switched cable providers and watched it a bunch of times.  I've been impressed with every Hold Steady show I've ever attended, but this one lacks.  Great in spots, but it also has the worst version of "Slapped Actress" I've ever heard.  Skin-crawlingly bad.

I had this on my DVR until I switched cable providers and watched it a bunch of times.  I've been impressed with every Hold Steady show I've ever attended, but this one lacks.  Great in spots, but it also has the worst version of "Slapped Actress" I've ever heard.  Skin-crawlingly bad.

Summon who?  George Harrison?

They say you don't have a problem until you start to do it alone

I'm pretty sure we're never going to find out what she's like at 45.