If it's Natalie vs Missy/Baylor then she wins regardless of who Jonclyn vote for.
If it's Natalie vs Missy/Baylor then she wins regardless of who Jonclyn vote for.
Erik with his brother!
The clue that Natalie/Baylor got was apparently to a different idol. I think the original clue to Rocker/Keith's idol had 7 as a clue, and Nat/Baylor's had 10. But they didn't tell us that until this episode.
Didn't they bring the half-bag of beans to the challenge? I think that's what Jeff was pissed at; they waited until they could see what they won to see if they preferred the beans over it, and then offered Jeff whichever of the two they valued the least. It was some pretty bad negotiating tactics, especially since…
Baylor, Jon, Josh, Keith… don't think this one's taken yet.
I think I remember Brice talking about applying for the show on RHAP, so it could very well be him.
There's also Jefra's mom who was in the final rounds for one of the first seasons (I believe Australia?).
He can borrow Kass' copy! It's not like she'll ever read it.
I was expecting Queen of Irony Kass to win immunity and take Tony after that. After the challenge I still thought something was up given all the dodo music Woo had all episode, but I still refused to believe he would vote off Kass just because of how monumentally stupid it would be.
I believe he said that if Tony saved him at F4, if he won F3 immunity he would take Tony, and by saying it in front of the jury he would expect them to vote for Kass if he went against his word. Thus, if Spencer stayed, Tony would essentially be guaranteed F2, assuming Spencer kept his promise. I thought it was the…
Yes, it seems like they're either giving him a winner's edit (like Cochran's second time) or a fan favorite edit (like Ciera), and for both they would show any possible move he made that would put him in our good graces.
Dang, lost both Alexis and Sarah now. Time for my slow descent into oblivion…
It's a good thing they don't consult me for episode titles, because I definitely would have gone with "I'm Actually a Man."
Very similar to the situation from Tocantins, with Morgan playing Erinn's role of the outcast from the dominant tribe. With brawn and beauty at each other's throats (similar to Coach vs. Brendan) brains + Morgan can choose their side and flip as many times as needed until they've eliminated everyone. Their only…
Just wait until the chess match / game theory matrix final immunity challenge! But only because their budget wasn't large enough to create the horse-training challenge.
She, Tony, and Spencer are guaranteed second seasons if they make the merge.
I think it was definitely the right move for Kass - Tasha could just as easily betray her next tribal and stay with J'Tia. For Tasha though it's kind of up in the air. If they vote out Spencer she has a buffer of at least one more tribal after this one, but there's really no guarantee of a switch at all. Plus I'm…
After Tony swears to Sarah on his badge he says something like "you can swear on anything in this game. Your wife, your children, your dead grandmother, it doesn't mean anything."
Should have been the episode title, all caps included.