Bent Wookiee

This is the organization that not only allows Al Sharpton on the air but actually pays him money too? Ok.

Apologies if this was mentioned already (so many comments, so little time), but I really liked the dichotomy between Richard's and Jimmy's "fade out" scenes…they both went "home", and while Jimmy clearly never left the trenches, Richard (who was more physically damaged and arguably more spiritually as well) was able

I believe War Thunder will have cross-platform play…not sure how prevalent that will be system wide, though.

My suspicion of Saul as the ultimate turncoat continues unabated. The line Javadi gave Carrie at the end ("the man who brought us together" or something like that) was assumed to be about the lawyer, but I dunno…something ain't right.

I still maintain that the eventual big reveal will be that Saul is a double (triple?) agent playing some elaborate long game at the behest of some other agency (Mossad? Iran somehow?). I've felt this way since the middle of last season and nothing so far this season has caused me to change my mind. Maybe they will

She was the dumb lady who tried to get off the bus in Speed and then got run over.

Rest In Penthouse.

I should add that I don't think Saul is working with Nazir's group…rather, he is a double agent working with Mossad. He is playing the CIA and AQ against eachother to further a different, broader agenda.

I should add that I don't think Saul is working with Nazir's group…rather, he is a double agent working with Mossad. He is playing the CIA and AQ against eachother to further a different, broader agenda.

Bomb explanations, in order of decreasing likelihood:

Bomb explanations, in order of decreasing likelihood:

Nothing will ever be that bad. Hopefully.

Nothing will ever be that bad. Hopefully.

I saw it yesterday in IMAX 3D HFR…I enjoyed it. The HFR did look weird at first, but I got used to it after a few minutes. The tracking shots looked far better this way, and the clarity was amazing. If we hadn't been conditioned to associate 24fps with film for lo these many years nobody would care. Had the inverse

I saw it yesterday in IMAX 3D HFR…I enjoyed it. The HFR did look weird at first, but I got used to it after a few minutes. The tracking shots looked far better this way, and the clarity was amazing. If we hadn't been conditioned to associate 24fps with film for lo these many years nobody would care. Had the inverse

Nice! I used to work at CDNow. Still have a spindle or 3 of those custom CD-Rs.

Nice! I used to work at CDNow. Still have a spindle or 3 of those custom CD-Rs.

Glad I wasn't the only one.

Glad I wasn't the only one.

It happens.