
Hold on. New Elvira?

You and I both know even Maladroit is better than the green album.

Wasn't she 14 on that 70's show?

In fact, the person who is fine with splitting the baby is the one that isn't the real mother, right? And therefore, the loser?

I've thought about this. I don't really think guys can participate in this list. It's just too easy for it to become some kind of "she's ugly/fat/old but…" list, instead of a list of people gross for other reasons.

Has no one mentioned the father/son race to grandpa's house? That one was my favorite.

Should have ctrl+f'd "shitty christian nofx".

It also looks like they are being interviewed in their old station. I think it's the room where Cohle shows Hart the old case of the girl who drowned.

If there were awards for internet comments, I'd nominate you. Straight up.

Please don't question topless Emilia Clarke. Much like God himself, she deserves your unquestioning faith and love.

This is the thing I agree with Idiotking on? Tim Gunn?

Those accusations came out like a year ago, though.

bated (as in "abated") breath

That Elmo bit was like something MADtv would have thrown away.

I think more to blame than the family comedy thing is his just not putting in the effort. He's just not that interested in making interesting, weird comedy anymore.

What little of WKUK I did see seemed to be very shoddily thrown together, and not in a charming, rough-hewn way. It seemed to me like they came up with a premise for a sketch and didn't really write jokes for it.

My first thought, was "There's a third Osbourne kid? Where can I find out about her?" I was then hit with 20 tons of irony.

Oh this is easy. They're emo prog rock.

After perusing that Cinemetrics database, Punch Drunk Love has an ASL of 17.7, and Unbreakable has an ASL of 16.9. Snatch, on the other hand, has an ASL of 3.3. Kubrick's largest ASL is for Lolita (UK) at 17.2.

Boogie Nights is how Reilly earned his lifetime pass from me. It was also the first thing I had ever seen him in.