kelley the 1st

I'm a straight girl, and I would choke a bitch to be on Drag U. I just want to hang out with drag queens and let them drag me up. Does that not sound like the most fun day ever??

Funny story: I actually wrote Absolut and said that I suspected they had a say in who won and therefore, if they picked Phical, I would never buy one of their products again. Here's what they said:

@avclub-c32efcb7f667f6c5def39db8eda2e6ce:disqus , she probably ISN'T getting gigs and therefore has nothing to promote. I wouldn't be surprised at all if club owners and managers were completely turned off by her toxic attitude and won't book her.

That's just how Phi Phi performs. Like a gerbil on coke.

But does the winner really represent the brand? I haven't seen any of the winners as exclusive brand reps. They get the top 5 or so to shill for them. So does "sponsor friendly" really matter that much when you have a handful of others doing the same thing?

If it really is the fans' decision, Sharon will have this wrapped up. Or it will be neck-and-neck with Chad. Literally NOBODY likes Phi Phi. Who the fuck would?

This episode perfectly captures what it's like when you have family in from out of town and they want to see all the "Colorado sights" and you wind up spending a day doing something "rugged" with a bunch of other out-of-town jagoffs. I haven't been ziplining, but if it's anything like horseback riding, cross-country

If you want to go before January? Scalper.

Since when do they give a shit if Christians are offended by anything they put in the show?

She better. They better not get Phical to stink up the joint even further.

I did too. I also shouted "FUCK YES!!"

Don't forget "Dazzle me."

Latrice's "dad" was my favorite. He had a great sense of humor and was really game.

I would choke a bitch to get on Drag U. I just want to hang out with drag queens and get a drag makeover.

I love Sharon's bio. And the "open letter" on Alaska Thunderfuck's site. You know Sharon wrote that too.

I'll admit, I cheered when Sharon replied to her DILK's lame-ass call for backup with "Don't call my sister a bitch." Sharon Needles DOES NOT engage in bullying.

They did that last season. And they still brought Carmen back, for some reason.

Really? What was he on? He seemed so drab & humorless, I'm surprised anyone would want to put him on TV.

Don't forget when he picked up those hitchhikers and they gave him quaaludes or something. And he chased them down with a beer.