kelley the 1st

Didn't Uwe Boll prove that years ago?

That's exactly what it was: A backdoor pilot. The ratings were so bad that they didn't greenlight the series.

My dad took me to see "Bigger, Longer & Uncut" when I was 14.

Keep in mind, Betty has a LOT of problems. Her mother was an oppressive bitch who kept her on a very short leash (restrictive diets, constant scoldings, even called her a whore when she announced she would be a model). Then she was thrust into the expected role of suburban housewife and mother, when it's clear that

Oh good lord, that's HILARIOUS. And so true.

Repiblicans: "Small government" so small it can fit into your bedroom. Or your vagina.

Manila's guy was HOT. Damn.

I don't know what's up Michelle's cooch about Chad. That IS Chad. Bitch, haven't you been paying attention?

I hadn't even thought of that. Goddamn.

Sailor Moon taught me the all-important phrase "Mamo-chan no party! Demo eigo…"

"The Bart, the."

It's because she was a Mary Sue who came from out of nowhere at the end of the season, to sweep in and be perfect at everything. Seriously, everything she touched turned to gold: She was an ace secretary, immediately won over the kids, always looked perfect, etc.
Although, now it looks like her perfect facade is

It was awful, as it was meant to be. It serves to illuminate that she doesn't know her husband at all, nor does she care to. It's all about her.

More like "If you don't give me what I want, I'll spill the beans about who you really are" sex. She's a major-league manipulator and he just gave her the nuke code. What the fuck was he thinking??

I know. I miss sweet, earnest Harry.

Someone on Twitter said it best: "I feel like Megan is the Jar Jar of Mad Men."

"Suck 'em dry…"

Goddamn it, South Park shouldn't bring tears to my eyes.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

I have to add retail managers. Especially the ones who insist on leading store meetings with improv games.