It makes me want to put my mouth on his mouth.
It makes me want to put my mouth on his mouth.
It drives me fucking crazy when performers let a mistake completely derail them. The one definitive thing I have learned about performing, in any capacity, is this: If shit happens, GO WITH IT. DON'T FUCKING STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ACT. EVER. So your wig slips? Hold it on with your hand. A seam bursts? Slap your hand…
@avclub-7adb6a50e7687b45a00b35796f18f17d:disqus , for real. I want to send her links to some good eBay wig sellers or something, because her wigs are to' up.
Sharon's was the better performance in part BECAUSE she didn't run around the stage like a gerbil on coke. That frantic, kitchen-sink approach is the last gasp of the desperate queen.
It feels like CC got some new execs or something, because the quality of their new shows has improved recently. I'd rather not think of the dark days of Krod Mandoon and Secret Girlfriend…
Phi Phi's just a jealous bitch. That's all there is to it.
Total drag Blanche Devereaux. Perfection.
Dida might benefit from more covered-up looks, like the kind Ru usually employs. They both have more masculine physiques, and Ru has wisely gone for more coverage to hide the trickery. And remember Tyra Sanchez? You can't deny she was fierce in damn near all her looks…except the one where she wore a strapless dress,…
GIVE LATRICE HER OWN SHOW. Come on, how fucking awesome would a Drag Oprah be??
Phi Phi needs a smack in the face. Good lord, what a nasty, sniping bitch. What the fuck is her problem with Sharon? Is it jealosy? It's gotta be jealousy.
No, he wasn't really featured. I think he had maybe 5 seconds of screen time, which is a shame. His name is Jared. Here he is singing "Ain't No Sunshine" and he's pretty damn good:…
Damn. One of my friends got the boot tonight. I was hoping he'd get farther but oh well. He made it to Hollywood, which is pretty cool.
NOTHING can top MacArthur Park.
My dream three (at least right now) is Latrice, Sharon and Chad. Good lord, I love them. And as much as I love them, I think Sharon is the one to beat. Girl has shown some pretty awesome versatility in just two episodes.
Willam is a cunt. I can't wait for someone to smack the wig off his head.
We do? I've never heard of him, and I was thoroughly annoyed by every second of screen time he had.
@avclub-cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc:disqus , that is one of my all-time favorite bits, of hers or anyone's. "I can't feel anything!"
Pretty much everything Gainax does is a fuck-you to otaku.
Really? The first episode is DROWNING in fanservice. I'm only three episodes in, but it seems like the rest is fairly fanservice-y as well. I can't decide if I like it and want to finish it or if it's too disgusting for my taste.