Harry realizes he's always had the power to go home and clicks his heels together three times.
Harry realizes he's always had the power to go home and clicks his heels together three times.
I assumed they beat her within an inch of her life.
To paraphrase The Birdcage: "Don't add."
Actually seeing the aforementioned spoilery death brought tears to my eyes. Hell, I'm probably gonna be a weepy mess when I see this one. Between the major deaths and Harry's march through the forest…damn.
So is it him or not?
Dear Spidey creative team:
If they spoof Antichrist, I might be interested enough to keep it on for a few minutes before I change the channel.
I hate you so much.
Well, thank God
I can sleep so much better knowing how very deeply Julie Taymor was personally affected by this potential tragedy that she, as the director, is responsible for. Christopher Tierney is laid up with broken ribs and probably can't take a breath without some hellacious pain, but Julie Taymor was totes sad…
Julie Taymor is easily the most over-rated figure in American theatre. The only thing she deserves credit for is making The Lion King just pretty enough to keep me from walking out. I like musicals but Jesus Christ does that show reek like hyena shit.
Misanthrope, I think you're missing an OF COCK in there.
Everybody gets one?
"Rosebud Frozen Peas: Full of country goodness and green peaness. Wait, that's terrible. I quit. I'll just take some for the road…"
Kathleen Turner?
Did you mean Glenn Close?
Slattery is always great. He needs to be given more chances to unhinge like that.
"Your mother exploded."
That is all.
Fuck fuckety fuck-fuck-fuck.
That was damn funny. I actually liked the Cartman/Cthulhu scenes, specifically because they were so bizarre. Lately, I prefer the episodes that are just weird and funny without trying to shoehorn in some halfassed take on an issue, so this one was right up my alley.
It was too scattershot. If they stuck to one plot (preferably the infighting between Coon and Friends, which was amusing), it would have been better.