I'd rather know who Mint Crunchberry is.
I'd rather know who Mint Crunchberry is.
Judging from the Facebook blatherings of my "Gleek" friends, they're still eagerly sucking the show's dick.
Oh Jesus. I forgot about that horrible Urkel puppet.
Once again, Roger had the best line. "Who the hell is that?"
How demoralizing would it be to be cast as a Jean Teasdale look-alike?
I have to go with the comparison of Civil War letters home to Gulf War letters home. "Dear Marie, it is hot as fuck out here. It is hard to fight dese sand monkeys wit'cha balls stuck t'ya leg."
Goddamn it.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you're referring to Herb & Jamal. Which is indeed fucking terrible.
Don't mess with Joan
Was anyone else unnerved by the clip for next week that showed Joan in a doctor's office saying, "Should I be worried?" I will be very pissed if they have her contract some horrible illness. You can't get rid of Joan, dammit!!
Wicked sucks. It comes across like a particularly dumb 13-year-old girl's fanfiction. "ZOMG I'm gonna make Glinda & Elphie BFFs an' Elphie can fly 'cuz that's so totally awesome an' I'm gonna make this guy the Tin Man and this guy the Scarecrow and pepper the script with foreshadowing so even the stupidest tourist can…
Just look at "You've Got To Be Carefully Taught." That was downright blasphemous for its time.
No no no, the worst actor of the bunch is the girl who plays Ginny. After seeing Half Blood Prince, it was painfully obvious why she never got more than one line per movie before that. Jesus Christ…
It's a shame Night had such a brief shelf life. Seriously, what the hell happened?
It's Pixar. The question isn't whether you'll cry, but how much.
A movie can cover a shallow, superficial character and still be engaging. Marie Antoinette was a 2 hour reel for the design team; there was no plot, it fell victim to the "let's tell people what happened instead of showing them" school of filmmaking and generally had a feel of "pretty but vacant." For God's sake, how…
If you're going to quote Family Guy in this thread, I can't believe you would pass up "Hey!! This guy's a PHONY!! A great big PHONY!!"
American Conference on Hand Jobs? Perhaps, but I have a feeling the American Academy of Unprotected Anal Sex is giving them a run for their money…
I've long suspected
that this is the kind of show that's impossible to sit through without drinking heavily. My suspicions have now been confirmed.
Heaven? What kind of colossal loophole would allow those fuckers to get into heaven?
Maybe Daria was a cocktease, but she didn't do it on purpose. She made a decision to do something she was very nervous about, got scared and backed out of it. It's not like she was purposely leading him on; that's closer to Quinn's MO with dates. I thought it was a pretty realistic approach to the subject. And I'm not…