Helen, talking to Mr. O'Neil: "Is this about her essay stating that we should abolish the death penalty and bring back torture? Because it was OBVIOUSLY a joke."
Helen, talking to Mr. O'Neil: "Is this about her essay stating that we should abolish the death penalty and bring back torture? Because it was OBVIOUSLY a joke."
I'm partial to Daria's reaction to her first kiss: "Damn it! Damn it, damn it, damn it!"
Charlotte's Web
Goddamn it, I still can't watch that without sobbing like a bitch. Especially that Mother Earth & Father Time song. Fuck.
Jesus, you sound like my freshman English professor. All that's missing from this self-righteous, condescending heap of vitriol is a grudging, passive-aggressive stab at the writer's grammatical and mechanical competence.
Some people don't like kids. Wouldn't you rather they don't have them than have a bunch of people bring more unwanted, resented kids into the world?
Yeah, I *so* don't get the obsession most girls have with babies. I can't stand them. I would, however, gladly see a movie that's nothing but animals frolicking for an hour and a half.
They still don't know what caused it?
What the hell?
It's not your fault; the book was marketed that way. I went into it with the same expectation, and instead of getting the story I expected, I got a bunch of meandering bullshit about characters I didn't care about, and no resolution to the A story that I really cared about. It's a cocktease of the book.
Yeah, I don't get all the love for the book. It got off to a great start, but it lost momentum halfway through and completely fell apart in the last 100 pages. It almost felt like Sebold quit halfway through and someone else was brought in to finish it. I can't remember the last time a book pissed me off so much.
Adam, I don't think that's the point they were trying to make. Their loathing of Streisand is pretty infamous at this point and I think they just wanted to call her that.
Did I hear that right?
Did they call Streisand a kike? Did someone say "Release the kike-en" or did I mishear the line?
FINALLY!! You just made my week, Nabin. I'm so excited by this that I could jump up and down.
1984. You know what makes me feel old? I grew up playing with American Girl dolls, and now I work for them. And there's now an American Girl of the 70s. I dread the day the girl of the 80s is released…
I am a young woman
and I can say with absolute certainty that, no, Dwight is not attractive in the least. However, I can see how he would attract a certain type of woman. The incredibly stupid, slightly desperate kind who's a sucker for Mystery-esque shenanigans…
No Hobgoblins?
You can't have a list of movie knockoffs without Hobgoblins. Blasphemy!
I found it surprisingly easy, actually.
1999 was truly a shitty year for music. And it was also my freshman year of high school. So to go with my memories of awkward crushes, pre-algebra, a horrid blonde dye job and the aforementioned crush dating my best friend, I have a soundtrack of American Woman, Backstreet Boys and that Santana/Matchbox 20 song. Whoo.
Nabin has the best columns.
All her songs are like:
Nope, he was in the montage.