"Limo Wreck" is a great song. Seems to owe a little something to Danzig— can't listen to it and not be reminded of "Pain in the World."
"Limo Wreck" is a great song. Seems to owe a little something to Danzig— can't listen to it and not be reminded of "Pain in the World."
I remember, as a teenager, being challenged by every song on this album— it was probably my first experience with these types of time signatures, and it was like learning a new language in a way. Always felt Matt Cameron was a natural fit for these types of compositions and struggles to find an identity within Pearl…
This album was my gateway into Soundgarden, and my teenage self found it utterly hypnotic. I tired of Black Hole Sun pretty quickly, but the rest of the album was so rich (and long) it didn't matter. It felt substantial.
Sounds about right. They seem like affable fellows.
Lol. I wonder if he was pissed.
YES. Oh…and don't forget the guy in front of you who pulls out a crumpled piece of paper and tells the woman at the counter, "Okay, I need 10 subs…." FUCK YOU. Call ahead.
I hate to do this to you guys— and I will not claim a total relationship victory, as I am not yet married— but my girlfriend LOVES when I play video games, because she can crochet. It's like…we could go for 16 hours that way. Me playing video games, and she crocheting. We're in the same room so we still interact, so…
A little off topic, but I also hate it when you go into, say, a Subway restaurant, and someone in front of you acts as if they have absolutely no idea how a Subway functions, or how to order, or what to order, or where to order, or starts barking out toppings before they've even chosen what kind of bread they want,…
There's nothing that can legitimately be done about the short/tall fiasco at concerts. I'm a relatively short guy. I get screwed pretty much every time. I've learned to live with it.
I don't know if this specifically counts, but: People who post spoilers to shows that JUST AIRED on their Facebook statuses. I mean, if that isn't the definition of complete and total narcissistic detachment, I don't know what is. I know that fear of the spoiler has gotten a little out of hand due to the exponential…
I wish scientists would stop with the inane studies and just invent a pill that watches TV for me.
North Korea is like the weird kid on a field trip who overreacts to everything, and this is the reason you can't help yourself from flinging him in the earlobe for the entirety of the bus ride, until eventually you're both taken aside and you are asked to explain your awful behavior, and you are legitimately baffled…
That sucks. I haven't seen them live yet but there's always hope I suppose. I don't really have any friends close by that are into heavy music at all, and my girlfriend might burst into actual flames if I made her sit through a Mastodon concert.
Yes he is, such a good part.
These are my exact thoughts. He's like the high school quarterback that doesn't start any shit, which the student body so thoroughly appreciates that everyone calls him their friend and keeps calling him to do stuff just because he's never a dick about it.
So Gary Oldman's a little nutty, eh? At least he spreads it around. Even the Pope gets a knock. It's whatever. I'll always remember that Mr. Show sketch where the actors were being whipped back into their cages after the take.
"The Last Baron" is monumental excellence, and contains my favorite breakdown riff in recent memory @ 8:19.
Crack the Skye was where I started to "get" Mastodon. Not saying I didn't like their previous albums, but something just really worked for me across the board on that one that wasn't happening prior.
I wonder what kind of movie Shane Carruth would make with $100 million.
I, on the other hand, was forced. Please…they've got my family.